Photos from the Los Angeles world premiere production of Don’t Hug Me
- Amanda Tepe & Pat Musick
- Amanda Tepe, Peter Breitmayer and Brad MacDonald
- Jim Doughan & Peter Breitmayer
- Tom Schmid & Rebekah Bayard
- Phil Olson, Laura Ware, Andrew Wynn, Rebekah Bayard & Tom Schmid
Photos by Ed Krieger and Paul Kreppel from the Los Angeles Production
Produced by Dan Hirsch at The Whitefire Theatre
Book and Lyrics by Phil Olson, Music by Paul Olson
Directed by Paul Kreppel, Choreography by Murphy Cross
Music Director & Orchestrator Michael Andreas
Cast: Peter Breitmayer*, Jim Doughan*, Brad MacDonald*,
Pat Musick*, Amanda Tepe*, Rebekah Bayard, Geoffrey Fontaine,
Tom Schmid, Jim Staahl, Laura Ware, Andrew Ross Wynn
*original cast members
Photos from the original Minneapolis production of Don’t Hug Me
- Bonni Allen
- Emily Moore & Bonni Allen
- Emily Moore, Ross Young, Doug Anderson, Michael Lee & Bonni Allen
- Doug Anderson, Emily Moore, Michael Lee, Bonni Allen & Ross Young
- Michael Lee, Ross Young, Bonni Allen & Doug Anderson
- Doug Anderson, Bonni Allen, Ross Young, Emily Moore & Michael Lee
- Bonni Allen, Michael Lee & Emily Moore
- Emily Moore & Bonni Allen
- Emily Moore & Doug Anderson
- Emily Moore
- Ross Young & Bonni Allen
- Emily Moore, Bonni Allen & Ross Young
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